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Akira B.

Cosmic Reverie

An ode to starting over again.

Art by Akira B.

Did you know you can start over again?


No matter how many times you've set a project down, thought I'll do this later, given up, or even failed - so long as you're breathing, you can start again. 

And I'm giving myself permission to do just that. 

I don't know how many times I've decided, I'm going to focus on personal projects, only to drown in the day job or freelance, chasing stability over passion. Something tangible over dreams. 

Don't get me wrong, stability is important. It's mandatory in this downward spiral of an economy, but passion is just as important. What's the point of living if you're not at least trying to do the things you love? 

Somewhere along the way I think I forgot that. So, this is me listening to Aaliyah when she said

And if at first you don't succeed, dust yourself off and try again 

Which, I guess that means I have to (re)introduce myself, yeah? 


Hi. I'm Akira B. 

The B stands for Blu (legally, it does not, but don't worry about that lol). I'm an editor, mostly doing freelance and contract work but hoping to make editorial my full time. I'm the creator of WildStar Press - it has a whole website if you want to know more. And, just as important, I'm a writer for both comics and prose. 

While this website is a portfolio of all that I do, this blog, affectionately named Cosmic Reverie, for my love and interest in all things space, is to highlight my writing. Or rather, highlight my personal projects.  

There will be short stories to read, reviews about media that I like (and have little interest arguing about), updates on projects I'm working on, and hey maybe even art if I feel like it. Though for now, it'll focus on the writing. 

For example, I have 4 different novels that I'm in varying stages of progress with. I'm sure if I talk about them, it'll force me into some type of accountability or remind me of that passion I had when I started. 

And maybe there will be more to this blog. Who knows! Maybe it'll fall off before I've even started. But there's no such thing as failure as long as you get up and try again. 

The successful man will profit from his mistakes and try again in a different way. ~ Dale Carnegie, famous for his writing about self improvement

So. Here's me trying again in a different way. And hey, if this motivates you to try again with something you may have set down then I'm rooting for you too. Last thing to remember before I go - something that I had to learn and still am learning technically:

Your interests will always nurse you back to joy.

For now, 

See you in the stars 💫 (and in the next blog post 📨)

Spoiler: The next blog will be a short story befitting of the Halloween month~



I finished Gravity Falls recently and well, this show would have been wild if it wasn't a 'made for kids' kind of show. What if it was scarier? More mysterious? etc etc. 100% enjoyed it though.

Also I am late to the Ponyo party despite having watched a handful of other Studio Ghibli movies. It was cute! The last Studio Ghibli movie I watched was The Boy and The Heron so I had no idea what to expect, despite seeing all the gifs. Let me tell you, wildly different tones there lol.

I think I'm going to get back into KDramas next. Who knows. I was also told to watch Soverign's Reign. My watch list is endless at this point.


Just finished: What You Are Looking For is in the Library by Michiko Ayoama. It's a lovely book and one of those stories that really is a "right place, right time" feeling. It's a vignette of different lives, learning valuable lessons thanks to a librarian's book recommendations. It's sweet and warm. I'd recommend it if you need a feel good story.

Currently reading: Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir. This is my first proper soiree into reading science fiction and so far I'm having a great time here. The science part escapes me sometimes, but others I'm like "aha, I know what that means. Nice." I haven't finished it yet to properly recommend it, but so far I'd say give it a try.

🎶Listening To🎶

I'm always listening to music. So when a new song or album manages to get a spot in the repeat cycle of my brain, then I know it's good. Currently that's been Donald Glover's final 'Childish Gambino' album Bando Stone and the New World. There's a mix of his old and new sound, fun storytelling -- the vibes are just good overall.

Hard to pick a number one song but I have repeated the lyrics "I'mma make a Billie like I'm Eilish" from Talk My Shit and "I feel liberated, over medicated" from Lithonia so maybe those two are my top two.



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