Hey guys!
This is more of a general life & work update rather than review or flash fiction. But! I should get back into those sometime.

Interview With Death: Script/Chapter 1 is officially out and available to read. [Website & Twitter] And Script 2 is currently in the process of being drawn by [no spoilers yet]. According to my outline there's going to be 14 "chapters" to this and I'm currently writing #9. Can't wait for you guys to see what's in store!
Scripts: I also have a bunch of different scripts I've been completing for different franchises. I'm not entirely sure what I want to do with them yet, but I think I might actually just reach out to publishers (or really the editors) and see if they'd be interested. Don't want a good Scooby-Doo or Godzilla or TMNT script going to waste, right?
Prose: Now that It Ends With Z is out and available for purchase [here], I'm going to start (continue, really) working on Cursed Flowers. It's a story I've had for awhile that I planned to make into a comic, but I'm learning that prose is just so much "easier" (really it just gives me a bit more freedom for detail). I think I want to actually have some illustrated parts in between the pages this time rather than have them at the end. An actual illustrated novel. I may get an artist for that instead of doing it myself though. We'll see! I have to put words to paper first.
Anthologies: I got into Hairology as a writer! (Edited by: Jamila, Kat, & Phil) And O'Neill Jones is going to be the artist! It's the collab you've been waiting for~ But also, it's given me the confidence to try and apply to more anthologies.
WildStar Press
Even though things have fallen a bit stagnant over at the Press, there's still some behind the scenes work happening. Four books are technically in production for 2023/2024 as we speak and WS will be at a small festival next month. But! If you want to know more about all of that, sign up for the WildStar Press Newsletter [here]. I'm thinking about going to some larger cons in 2023 (SPX, MICE, Heroes (again), etc!) so fingers crossed that money allows at least two.
Another small sneak peek is that I'm going to start working on the next anthology soon~
Reading: Shortbox Comics Fair has a lot of great comics there! It's a digital comics fair where all the exhibitors debuted a brand new comic! Everyone came out with some great stuff! After reading those, I've now been reading An Illustrated History of UFOs by Adam A. Boardman. Honestly, it's exactly what the title reads so if you're into UFOs/alien theories and fun illustrations, you should check it out. Nobrow has some cool books too and if you don't know what publisher that is, check them and this book out [here].
Listening: A friend of mine gave me an idea to make a ridiculous playlist but more on that later when I finish them. For now? Good - John Legend ft. Ledisi. Into the soulful, smooth jams at the moment but really my music taste is everywhere.
Editing: Just finished helping S-Morishita with some plot development for Whispers of Cinnamon and now opened a new service that's Admin Assistant for Comics. [Details] If you need help with the non comic part of your comic work, let me know!
Yeah! That's about it on my end. I need to go dye my hair and be productive so,
Until next time!
- Akira B.